About: Urvashi Kapoor is working as an Associate Editor with Jagran New Media and is associated with Vishvas News as a fact checker. Urvashi is a seasoned digital media professional with over a decade of experience. Urvashi believes in the power of digital media, honest journalism and wishes to live in a world free of fake news.

Qualification: Urvashi is a postgraduate in Journalism and Mass Communication, post graduate in Commerce, and is now pursuing LLB. Urvashi has also done a professional study in ‘strategies for increasing reach & engagement of journalism’ from The Knight Center for Journalism from the University of Texas.

Certification: Certified Google News Initiative fact-checking and news verification trainer
Fact Checking from Poynter University, Google Analytics and Digital Marketing from Google
Data Journalism from East-West Center
Countering State-based Covid-19 disinformation by CRDF-Global, Digital Journalism from Reuters
GDPR from Udemy
Content discovery from Crowdtangle
storytelling and consumer engagement from Facebook Blueprint


1: May 31
The story done by a team member (Employee ID PN0059) was updated on May 31 to remove an unnecessary paragraph which was not required in the story.




Fact Check Stories By : Urvashi Kapoor

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