Fact Check: This post asking people to switch off the phone due to cosmic rays is fake

We found in our investigation that the viral claim is false. ISRO said that the Earth is constantly exposed to cosmic rays, but the magnetic field of the atmosphere acts as a protective shield. And we are not harmed by these rays.

New Delhi, Vishvas News. A post has been viral on social media for some time, which states that “some cosmic rays will cross the earth tonight from 12:30 to 3:30”. The post advises people to “keep your phone switched off during this time as it can be very harmful to the body.” We found in our investigation that this claim is false. ISRO has clarified that this news is fake.

What’s in the viral post?

A user named Diane Avila Basquiñas (archive) shared this post, claiming: “Tonight at 12:30 to 03:30 make su.re to turn off the phone, cellular, tablet, : and put away from your body .Singapore television announced the news. Please tell your family and friends. Tonight at 12:30 to 03:30, our planet will be exposed to very high radiation from Cosmic rays passing close to Earth. So please turn off your cellphones. Do not leave your device close to your body, it can cause you terrible damage. Check Google and NASA BBC News. Send this message to all the people who matter to you.”


To investigate this post, we first read the post properly. The post mentions Singapore TV. We checked and found that there is no such channel.

Even after searching with keywords, we did not find any such news anywhere in which it has been said that cosmic rays will pass through the earth and devices should be shut down.

For further confirmation, we contacted the Indian Space Agency, ISRO via mail. We were told in response “the message appears to be a hoax and there is no credible evidence about such an event. Moreover, there is no known connection about the modulation of cosmic rays when mobiles are in use.”

We also searched NASA’s website and their social media handles in this regard. We could not find any warning regarding the use of the phone anywhere.

This post was shared by a Facebook user named Diane Avila Basquiñas. The user has about 1000 Facebook friends.

Conclusion: We found in our investigation that the viral claim is false. ISRO said that the Earth is constantly exposed to cosmic rays, but the magnetic field of the atmosphere acts as a protective shield. And we are not harmed by these rays.

Symbols that define nature of fake news
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