Fabric masks should not be sanitized by microwaving it for 2-3 minutes. Instead, they should be washed properly using soap and water.. Viral post is fake.
New Delhi (Vishvas News): A post has resurfaced on social media in which it has been claimed that fabric masks can be sanitized in a microwave. Vishvas News had earlier fact checked this claim and found it to be fake.
The viral post on Facebook shared by a user named Catherine Russell reads: Those that use a fabric mask – after wearing place in ziplock bag and microwave 2-3 minutes to sanitize. Do this after each wear. The archived version of the post can be checked here.
When Vishvas News investigated we searched various reports on how to sterilize/ clean cloth masks. On Centers of Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC) website, we found that cloth face coverings should be washed depending on the frequency of use. Nowhere in the report was it mentioned that masks should be microwaved in order to get sanitized.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) recommends certain ways to sanitize homemade face covers. Nowhere it has been recommended to directly microwave the fabric masks for 2-3 minutes to sanitize.
Microwave settings are not standard. This is not easy to determine the strength of each microwave. Moreover, some face masks have a metal noseband, which will not be safe to place in microwave and heat.
The complete fact check can be read here.
We also spoke to Devesh Sachdeva of Medilife India which is a
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer. “He also refuted the claim by saying: Fabri masks should not be heated for microwave. If someone wishes to reuse it, masks should be washed properly using soap and water.”
The post is shared on Facebook by a user named Catherine Russell. When we scanned the profile of the user we found that the user hasn’t mentioned any personal details in her profile.
Conclusion: Fabric masks should not be sanitized by microwaving it for 2-3 minutes. Instead, they should be washed properly using soap and water.. Viral post is fake.
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