Fact Check: The emotional story viral with the photo of money scattered on the floor is fake

Vishvas in its investigation found that this post is misleading. Actually, this picture is from 2014 when a man threw lakhs of money on the floor after a dispute with his ex-girlfriend in Harbin hospital in China. The man’s ex-girlfriend was a nurse at Harbin Hospital. This person was not a hospital patient.

New Delhi (Vishvas News). A photo is going viral on social media, in which several currency notes can be seen scattered on the ground. It is being claimed with the post that this picture is from China, where a sick patient offered to pay a lot of money for recovery but his disease was incurable and he threw all the money after k owing that money couldn’t save him. This claim turned out to be false in the investigation of Vishvas News. Actually this picture is from 2014, when a man threw lakhs of rupees on the floor after a dispute with his ex-girlfriend in Harbin hospital in China. The man’s ex-girlfriend was a nurse at Harbin Hospital. This person was not a patient.

What’s in the viral post?

Facebook user ‘MANOJ Kumar Yadav Social worker’ shared this post, The description read: “This picture was taken at Chinese Henan Hospital in which a cancer patient came to the doctor with a bag full of notes and told the doctor – Save my life. I have more money to give to you but when the doctor told – now her treatment is not possible because her cancer is in the last stage and now doctors can’t save her life. So she got very angry and She screamed like a madman, threw the notes in the whole hospital verandah and kept saying – What is the use of this wealth which cannot save my life. What is the use of being so rich, this wealth cannot give me health. This wealth does not give life. That’s why friends, in this run-of-the-mill life, don’t be busy just earning money, take time out for your health, country religion with your family and friends, this life will not be available again, a lot of money will not work, so today Take care of your health and your loved ones from now on.”

The archived version of the post can be viewed here.


We searched the viral picture with the help of Google reverse image search. We found this picture in a news article on the Chinese website epochtimes.com.tw. According to the news, this picture was shared by a doctor from Harbin Hospital in China in 2014, where the man expressed his displeasure with his ex-girlfriend during a dispute between a man and his ex-girlfriend. The dispute took place when the woman was given a BMW car by her current boyfriend. After this, this person got angry and threw the money on the woman’s face. This woman worked as a nurse at Harbin Hospital. Nowhere in the news was this person said to be a cancer patient.

We also found this picture on several other Chinese and Vietnamese websites. Everywhere there was a jilted liver involved. Nowhere was the person said to be a patient.

We contacted Harbin Hospital in China regarding this. Hospital coordinator Joan Hon told us, “This claim is false. No such incident has happened in the hospital. 8 years ago there was an incident of throwing some notes due to a love affair, but the man was not a patient in the hospital.”

This post was shared on Facebook by a Facebook page named MANOJ Kumar Yadav Social worker. On scanning this page, we found that the user has 15000 followers. The user is a resident of Uttar Pradesh.

Conclusion: Vishvas in its investigation found that this post is misleading. Actually, this picture is from 2014 when a man threw lakhs of money on the floor after a dispute with his ex-girlfriend in Harbin hospital in China. The man’s ex-girlfriend was a nurse at Harbin Hospital. This person was not a hospital patient.

  • Claim Review : ये तस्वीर चायनीज़ हेनन हॉस्पिटल में ली गई है जिसमें एक कैंसर की मरीज नोटों से भरा बैग लेकर डॉक्टर के पास आई और उसने डॉक्टर से कहा- मेरी जिंदगी बचाएँ। मेरे पास और भी बहुत दौलत है तुम्हें देने के लिए लेकिन जब डॉक्टर ने बताया- अब उसका इलाज मुमकिन नहीं है क्योंकि उसका कैंसर लास्ट स्टेज पर है और अब डाक्टर्स उसकी जिंदगी नहीं बचा सकते।
  • Claimed By : MANOJ Kumar Yadav Social worker
  • Fact Check : False
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  • True
  • Misleading
  • False

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