Fact Check: Don’t click viral link that misuses Boat brand’s name; it’s a scam

A new scam turned up on social media in February after a ‘Boat Blooth Shopify’ link displayed discounted deals on the Boat brand’s accessories; however, after an investigation Vishvas News found the link to be fake and phoney.

New Delhi (Vishvas News): Prevention from digital fraud is the need of the hour but phishing scam links and innovative ways by cheaters disrupt the right flow of information occasionally. A new scam turned up on social media in February after a ‘Boat Blooth Shopify’ link displayed discounted deals on the Boat brand’s accessories; however, after an investigation Vishvas News found the link to be fake and phoney. 


Facebook page Blogging (archive link) on February 8 shared a Boat Blooth Shopify link that opened to this page:

More links were found here, here and here. Similar links were also circulating on various WhatsApp groups.


Vishvas News first used Google Open Search to identify similar claims; however, the link URL (Booatlift-live.myshopify.com) seemed suspicious as Boat’s original website has a different URL and does not support any deals similar to the above on its authorised page.

While scrolling through the internet, we also found many Consumer complaints about the same link here and here.

On investigation, Vishvas News found the link opening to a scam page, asking for money, but later to a ‘Something Went Wrong’ page. 

Lastly, when we contacted Boat Support on their email ID, they responded, “Thank you for bringing this to our notice, be rest assured that our team will take appropriate action against these fake websites.”

On performing a social scan, Vishvas News found that the page belongs to Mamta Tyagi and has only one like and seven followers. No response was received when we tried to contact her through email and the mobile number mentioned on the website.

Conclusion: A new scam turned up on social media in February after a ‘Boat Blooth Shopify’ link displayed discounted deals on the Boat brand’s accessories; however, after an investigation Vishvas News found the link to be fake and phoney.

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