Fact check: Viral video is of C60 commandos celebrating is not recent

A video of C60 commandos being circulated as recent is that of earlier this year, not related to recent encounter.

Fact check: Viral video is of C60 commandos celebrating is not recent

New Delhi (Vishvas News): A video is being widely shared over various social media platforms where C60 commandos can be seen celebrating. Posts claim that this is a celebration by C60 commandos after the encounter of notorious naxal, Milind Teltumbde and 26 other naxals. However, Vishvas News in its investigation found out that viral video is not related to the current incident.

Facebook User सूरज लोहार posted a 30 sec video and wrote in Marathi: कुख्यात नक्षलवादी मिलिंद तेलतुंबडे आणि
२६ लाल माकडांचा एन्काऊंटर केल्यानंतर
महाराष्ट्र पोलिस दलातील C60 कमांडोचं जल्लोषी स्वागत😎🎉..C60 #gadchiroli

Translation: The notorious Naxalite Milind Teltumbde and
After encountering 26 red monkeys
Welcome to C60 Commando of Maharashtra Police33..C60 #gadchiroli

Check the post and its archive version here.

Same claim was shared by executive member of BJP of Jammu and Kashmir, Raman Suri on Twitter.



Vishvas News started its investigation by checking the comments on the post of Raman Suri. The post had 33 retweets and 187 likes. One user wrote, “This is old video. This was of May 2021, when Maharashtra police killed 13 naxals.”

This was a clue for Vishvas News and hence we used the same keywords to check further. We used the keywords, ‘May 2021 C60 commandos’ and ran a Google search.

We found the exact same video posted on ETV Bharat website on May 22, 2021. The news said, “After a successful encounter operation against banned outfits in Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli, C-60 commandos were welcomed by officials at police district headquarters with the ‘band baaja’.”

We also found a tweet by Gadchiroli police which stated that the video is not related to current incident.

We also found a tweet by Gadchiroli SP Ankit Goyal.

In the last step of investigation we contacted Gadchiroli SP Ankit Goyal. He told Vishvas News that the video is not recent and not related to current encounter.

In the last step of investigation we did a background check on the Twitter account that shared the post. RamanSuriBJP is executive member of BJP Jammu and Kashmir. The user is followed by 1,373 people and follows, 1,431.

Conclusion: A video of C60 commandos being circulated as recent is that of earlier this year, not related to recent encounter.

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