A post related to diabetes cure resurfaced in social media claiming that diabetes can be cured by consuming sprouted wheat for 3 days. As per the claim, all you need to do is to boil the wheat for 10 minutes and sprout it after boiling. Many users have commented in the post that this isn’t true. Vishvas News investigated the claim of the viral post and found that the viral post is misleading.
A similar post shared by a different user has already been fact-checked by Vishvas News on September 23, 2019. The debunked story can be viewed by clicking here.
This time, the post has revived and has been shared by a user named Anita Kapoor. The user has posted the claim on a group named वास्तु और घरेलू नुस्खे.
The post claiming that consuming sprouted wheat empty stomach in the morning can cure diabetes completely or can prevent a heart attack is misleading.
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