Fact Check: No, This Is Not COVID 5G Chip Diagram, Viral Post Is Fake

  • By: Urvashi Kapoor
  • Published: Jan 14, 2021 at 02:34 PM
  • Updated: Jan 20, 2021 at 04:42 PM

New Delhi (Vishvas News): A post shared on Twitter claims that the diagram shared is that of the chip inserted in the COVID-19 vaccine.

Vishvas News investigated and found the post to be fake. The diagram is that of the electric circuit of a guitar pedal and is unrelated to COVID-19.


The post doing rounds on social media shows a diagram and a claim that reads: COVID-19 5G Chip Design. The archived version of the post can be checked here.


Social media is deluged with fake posts related to coronavirus and conspiracy theories on Covid vaccine. Similar fake posts debunked by Vishvas News recently were COVID Vaccine Will Have A Chip To Control The Mind and Gate Foundation planted microchips during COVID-19 swab testing.

To investigate the viral image, Vishvas News performed Google Reverse Image search and got some results on the web. We found a result on the website GUITAR WORLD. The website showed the same diagram as in the viral picture. The article stated: Conspiracy theorists share schematic for “5G chip” they claim is implanted in COVID-19 vaccines – only it’s actually for the Boss Metal Zone

We further investigated and found a tweet on the profile of the user, Maria Fusco, a senior software engineer at RedHat.

He debunked the claim in his tweet that reads: “Here in Italy people started to share this figure claiming that this is the diagram of the 5G chip that has been inserted in the covid vaccine. In reality it is the electric circuit of a guitar pedal and I believe that putting it in the covid vaccine has been an excellent idea.”


Boss recently confirmed in related news that a reissue of the lauded HM-2 Heavy Metal is in the works – presumably, in pedal form.

Vishvas News spoke to Mr. Ujwal who is an Electrical and Control Engineer from NSIT. He said: “No, this not a COVID Chip diagram. It is an amplifier for guitars (op-amps).”

The post is shared on Twitter by a user named SeaBee. We scanned the profile of the user and found that the user has 79 followers.


No, This Is Not COVID 5G Chip Diagram, Viral Post Is Fake. It is actually the electric circuit of a guitar pedal.

  • Claim Review : This Is COVID 5G Chip Diagram
  • Claimed By : Twitter user: SeaBee
  • Fact Check : False
Symbols that define nature of fake news
  • True
  • Misleading
  • False

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