Fact Check: Inhaling vinegar isn’t a recommended treatment to treat Covid-19 symptoms as per experts; viral post is fake

Inhaling vinegar isn’t a recommended treatment to treat Covid-19 symptoms as per experts. Vishvas News investigated and found the viral claim to be fake. According to health experts, the viral claim is “baseless”.

New Delhi (Vishvas News): A viral post on social media claims that inhaling vinegar can be a solution to treat Covid-19 symptoms by clearing sputum from the airways of the patient. Vishvas News investigated and found the viral claim to be fake. According to health experts, the viral claim is “baseless”.


A post shared on Facebook in Malaysian-language caption translates in part as: “I want to inform my friends, if possible if we get covid level 3.. don’t go to the hospital, take care of the traditional way first. My friend got covid level 3, straight to the hospital, doctor gave oxygen then still no development. Doctor sleeps him to give peace and stabilize between breath, lungs and heart for 24 hours. After more than 48 hours, his heart and lungs couldn’t fight straight away and died.. maybe it’s his death.. I’m also level 3 going to the hospital with my own car and getting in oxygen. I’m asking to go back because my family members are all sick at home. Alhamdulilah allowed to go home. The next day I’m getting worse, breath becomes stuck blocking, breath only one moment when I’m going to lose my breath like I’m leaking. Want to pull up the second time already.. Remembering there is vinegar eating in the kitchen. I pour vinegar to eat on the towel, pack it on the nose, breath it many times, so painful. Then the towel at the mouth is packed, cover the nose.. breath through the mouth, 3 times holding on, feel sore, and coughing and pain in the lungs, just hold it,, then let go of coughing, breathe again.. Let the vinegar be in the mouth.. feeling scorching, sour, then coughing.. Alhamdulillah out of clear white phlegm from lungs and throat.. then feeling free and can breathe.. turns out that white phlegs have a covid virus closing the respiratory tract in our lungs.. Alhamdulilah now no longer feeling stuck, smashed, tired and difficult to breathe. If there are friends who get this way.. please do that first.. as an endeavor. People who get covid level 3 and above only know how painful it is to find breath to live. You can try it yourself if you’re confident.”

The archived version of the post can be viewed here.


Vishvas News investigated and found an article on MEEDAN health Desk. According to experts, while there can be some health benefits to using nasal rinses (also called nasal irrigation) or mouthwash, there is no scientific evidence that rinsing with vinegar can prevent or treat COVID-19. COVID-19 is caused by coronaviruses with an outer lipid (fat) membrane, so washing hands with soap and using a hand sanitizer with at least 60-70% alcohol can be effective against this type of virus. Wearing a mask or face covering can help prevent viral particles from entering or exiting through the mouth and nose.”

“Vinegar, a mixture of acetic acid and water, is mildly acidic. Different types of vinegar can contain other substances for flavor and color. Medical professionals advise caution when rinsing with substances that could irritate sensitive membranes in the nose, mouth, and throat,” the report added.

Dr. Anant Parashar, a general physician at Pushpanjali Hospital, Gurugram also stated that the viral claim is baseless.

We didn’t find any authentic report claiming vinegar can cure COVID-19.

The global health agency, World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend self-medication with any medicines, including antibiotics, as a prevention or cure for COVID-19. WHO is coordinating efforts to develop treatments for COVID-19 and will continue to provide new information as it becomes available.

The post is shared on Facebook by a user named Aiman Arman. When we scanned the profile of the user we found that the user is based out of Malaysia.

Conclusion: Inhaling vinegar isn’t a recommended treatment to treat Covid-19 symptoms as per experts. Vishvas News investigated and found the viral claim to be fake. According to health experts, the viral claim is “baseless”.

  • Claim Review : Inhaling vinegar can be a solution to treat Covid-19 symptoms by clearing sputum from the airways of the patient.
  • Claimed By : Aiman Arman
  • Fact Check : False
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  • True
  • Misleading
  • False

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