Fact-check: Claims made in this viral message about Coronavirus in Italy are false

Vishvas news contacted Italian journalists, fact checkers and doctors to conclude that the claims about Coronavirus recoveries in Italy are false. Claim that Coronavirus is actually a bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics is false.

  • By: Ankita Deshkar
  • Published: Jun 2, 2020 at 02:14 PM
  • Updated: Aug 29, 2020 at 06:49 PM

New Delhi, Vishvas News: Since a last few weeks, one message in particular is doing rounds on WhatsApp groups and also on various Facebook pages. This one lengthy message, makes several claims through one post. Vishvas News found in it’s investigation that the claims are false.

The post being widely shared is as follows:



Italian doctors, disobeyed the world health law WHO, not to do autopsies on the dead of the Coronavirus and they found that it is NOT a VIRUS but a BACTERIA that causes death. This causes blood clots to form and causes the death of the patient.

🔷Italy defeats the so-called Covid-19, which is nothing other than “Disseminated intravascular coagulation” (Thrombosis).

🔷And the way to combat it, that is, its cure, is with the “antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants”. ASPIRIN, indicating that this disease had been poorly treated.
This sensational news for the world has been produced by Italian doctors by performing autopsies on corpses produced by the Covid-19.

🔷Something else, according to Italian pathologists. “The ventilators and the intensive care unit were never needed.”

🔷Therefore in Italy the change of protocols began, ITALY THE SO-CALLED global pandemic is REVEALED AND RAISED BY THE WHO, this cure the Chinese already knew and did not report FOR DOING BUSINESS.

Source: ITALY Ministry of Health.
@ italiarevelacurardelcovid19


Pass this on to your entire family, neighborhood, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, coworkers … etc. etc … and its environment in general …:
If they get to contract the Covid-19 … which is not a Virus as they have made us believe, but a bacterium … amplified with 5G electromagnetic radiation that also produces inflammation and hypoxia.
They will do the following:
They are going to take Aspirin 100mg and Apronax or Paracetamol …
Why? … because it has been shown that what Covid-19 does is to clot the blood, causing the person to develop a thrombosis and the blood not to flow and not oxygenate the heart and lungs and the person to die quickly due to not be able to breathe.
In Italy they screwed up the WHO protocol and did an autopsy on a corpse that died from Covid-19 … they cut the body and opened the arms and legs and the other sections of the body and realized that the veins were dilated and coagulated blood and all veins and arteries filled with thrombi, preventing the blood from flowing normally and bringing oxygen to all organs, mainly to the brain, heart and lungs and the patient ends up dying,
Already knowing this diagnosis, the Italian Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocols … and began to administer to their positive patients Aspirin 100mg and Apronax …, result: the patients began to recover and present improvements and the Ministry of Health released and sent home more than 14,000 patients in a single day.
URGENT: transmit this information and make it viral, here in our country they have lied to us, with this pandemic, the only thing that our president comes out to say every day is data and statistics but not giving this information to save citizens, will be that It will also be threatened by the elites? … we do not know, suddenly all the governments of the world, but Italy broke the norm … because they were already overwhelmed and in serious chaos of daily deaths …, now the WHO. … would be sued worldwide for covering up so many deaths and the collapse of the economies of many countries in the world … now it is understood why the order to INCINERATE or immediately bury the bodies without autopsy … and labeled them as highly polluting .. .
It is in our hands to carry the truth and hope to save many lives …. SPREAD IN ALL NETWORKS URGENT !!!!! that’s why the antibacterial gel works and the chlorine dioxide … The whole PANDEMIC is because they want to vaccinate and kick to assassinate the masses to control them and reduce the World Population

Archive Link here.


Vishvas News has broken down the message according to the claims:

Claim no. 1

A) IN ITALY THE CURE FOR THE CORONAVIRUS IS FINALLY FOUND. Italian doctors, disobeyed the world health law WHO, not to do autopsies on the dead of the Coronavirus and they found that it is NOT a VIRUS but a BACTERIA that causes death. This causes blood clots to form and causes the death of the patient. Italy defeats the so-called Covid-19, which is nothing other than “Disseminated intravascular coagulation” (Thrombosis). And the way to combat it, that is, its cure, is with the “antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants”.

B) This causes blood clots to form and causes the death of the patient. Italy defeats the so-called Covid-19, which is nothing other than “Disseminated intravascular coagulation” (Thrombosis). And the way to combat it, that is, its cure, is with the “antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants”.

C) ASPIRIN, indicating that this disease had been poorly treated. This sensational news for the world has been produced by Italian doctors by performing autopsies on corpses produced by the Covid-19.B Something else, according to Italian pathologists. “The ventilators and the intensive care unit were never needed.”C Therefore in Italy the change of protocols began, ITALY THE SO-CALLED global pandemic is REVEALED AND RAISED BY THE WHO, this cure the Chinese already knew and did not report FOR DOING BUSINESS.Source: ITALY Ministry of Health. @ italiarevelacurardelcovid19.

Claim No. 2

A) If they get to contract the Covid-19 which is not a Virus as they have made us believe, but a bacterium … amplified with 5G electromagnetic radiation that also produces inflammation and hypoxia.They will do the following:

  • They are going to take Aspirin 100mg and Apronax or Paracetamol …
  • Why? … because it has been shown that what Covid-19 does is to clot the blood, causing the person to develop a thrombosis and the blood not to flow and not oxygenate the heart and lungs and the person to die quickly due to not be able to breathe.
  • In Italy they screwed up the WHO protocol and did an autopsy on a corpse that died from Covid-19 … they cut the body and opened the arms and legs and the other sections of the body and realized that the veins were dilated and coagulated blood and all veins and arteries filled with thrombi, preventing the blood from flowing normally and bringing oxygen to all organs, mainly to the brain, heart and lungs and the patient ends up dying.Already knowing this diagnosis, the Italian Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocols and began to administer to their positive patients Aspirin 100mg and Apronax
  • Result: the patients began to recover and present improvements and the Ministry of Health released and sent home more than 14,000 patients in a single day.

Claim No. 3

A) Now the WHO would be sued worldwide for covering up so many deaths and the collapse of the economies of many countries in the world now it is understood why the order to INCINERATE or immediately bury the bodies without autopsy … and labeled them as highly polluting .. .

B) It is in our hands to carry the truth and hope to save many lives …. SPREAD IN ALL NETWORKS URGENT !!!!! that’s why the antibacterial gel works and the chlorine dioxide … The whole PANDEMIC is because they want to vaccinate and kick to assassinate the masses to control them and reduce the World Population


Vishvas News conducted a thorough investigation on the claims.

We start with claim 1:

The message claims that the cure for coronavirus is found in Italy. In a recent news however, a team of Italian scientists had claimed to have developed a couple of vaccines that they claim neutralises the novel coronavirus in human cells.

Another claim stated that the “Italian doctors, disobeyed the world health law WHO, not to do autopsies on the dead of the Coronavirus and they found that it is NOT a VIRUS but a BACTERIA that causes death. This causes blood clots to form and causes the death of the patient.”

It must be noted that there is no specific WHO health law that asks not to conduct autopsies on the dead coronavirus patients.

However, there is a document “Infection prevention and control for the safe management of a dead body in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance” that provides guidance to the healthcare workers on “Preparing and packing the body for transfer from a patient room to an autopsy unit, mortuary, crematorium, or burial site”

Read the complete document here:

It is a known fact that coronavirus is indeed a virus and not a bacteria.

Another claim in the viral message says:

Coronavirus is nothing but Disseminated intravascular coagulation (Thrombosis)So what is Disseminated intravascular coagulation (Thrombosis)?It is a condition affecting the blood’s ability to clot and stop bleeding. So Covid-19 cannot be Disseminated intravascular coagulation (Thrombosis). There are many claims that Thrombosis was one of the major cause of death among the Covid-19 patients.

However, the claim is misleading and not everywhere the patients succumb due to thrombosis. A recent study just mentions about a study conducted on Irish patients.

The claim is misleading and the thrombosis cannot be looked as a major cause. A Lancet study also states that Respiratory failure is obviously the main cause of death.

Vishvas News also contacted, editor of The Local Italy, journalist Clare Speak who confirmed that the claims made in the WhatsApp message are false and that the Italian Ministry of Health has not announced anything that is mentioned in the post.

Let us now move towards claim 2:

On April 23, 2020, UN agency for information and communications technology said, the latest high-speed broadband technology 5G is not responsible for the spread of the COVID-19 and any theory of a link between it and the coronavirus is “a hoax that has no technical basis”. Read it here.

It is to be noted that no, antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria. The new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment.

The post also claims that Italy sent home, 14,000 patients in one single day, however the highest number of patients Italy has sent home in a day are, 4,693 on April 30 according to xinhuanet.com.

Consider claim 3: We searched across the internet, but nowhere are there reports of WHO being sued. It is just an opinion.

Vishvas News contacted an Italian doctor Marco Vinelli who is serving on the frontlines of the pandemic and asked him whether, the Italian pathologists or doctors ever said that there was no need of ventilators or intensive care unit and also asked whether the doctors are administering positive patients Aspirin 100mg and Apronax, he denied both the claims.

Similarly, we also contacted a doctor working on the frontlines of the pandemic in India.

Dr Sajal Bansal, serving in Nagpur said that anti-coagulants are not given directly, it depends upon the condition of the patients and after a few blood tests are done. The claim that ventilators are not needed is worng, coronavirus is a respiratory disease and hence, ventilators are needed.

He too denied treating patients with Asprin 100 mg and Apronax or paracetamol.

While working on the fact-check Vishvas News also came across a fact-check on the same message that was being circulated in Spanish. Vishvas News contacted the fact-checker, Joaquin Martela of Bolivia Verifica who said, “In Bolivia, this message was not only circulated through WhatsApp, it was also published on Facebook. Approximately, the publish date was during the first days of May and it was later shared by many. The message recommends Aspirins and others drugs to cure Covid- 19. Nevertherless, the base of the text about the Italian information and the supposed farce about the pandemic is maintaining the same in all the messages. Thus, it had trigged a lot of misinformation. A lot of people had shared this content believing that the government were lying to us. Some other people had medicated themselves as mentioned and got intoxicated. This aggravated their health condition. As fact-checkers, we indeed have one important role during this pandemic.”

This post has been shared on various platforms by many people. One of them is a facebook user named Manoj Goenka. The user is basically from Churu and currently lives in Kolkata. He has 5,000 facebook friends. The post has 8 shared and 23 people have reacted on it so far.

Conclusion: Vishvas news contacted Italian journalists, fact checkers and doctors to conclude that the claims about Coronavirus recoveries in Italy are false. Claim that Coronavirus is actually a bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics is false.

  • Claim Review : Covid 19 drug by Italian Government please read carefully and Slowly If feel like than please share Help to Save Humanity
  • Claimed By : Manoj Goenka
  • Fact Check : False
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  • Misleading
  • False

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