Vishvas's Non-partisanship Policy

Stringent standards are ensured and maintained by following a comprehensive Editorial Policy for Vishvas News that lays down a code of conduct and guidelines for its journalists. Vishvas stands by a ‘no influencers policy’ which ensures that its stories are not influenced by any bias. No one working in Vishvas engages in partisan political activity nor does any of them make any contributions to candidates or advocacy organisations.

Key figures in the Vishvas team have not, at least over the past one year, spoken out on major political issues or other such matters. During that period, they have also not advocated for any political party, candidate or cause, save for the cause of transparency and accuracy in public debate. These key team members have not held any political office either.

As of April 2024, this information remains current and accurate, reflecting the most recent updates and developments in the given context.

नवीनतम पोस्ट